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Book Your Free Consultation Now

And have our experienced team personally review your case with you. During your initial consultation, we will:

  • Discuss your unique situation and evaluate your case

  • Answer your specific questions

  • Determine a strategic plan to address your legal issue and bring you the best possible outcome


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Court Document Filing

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eFiling Services

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Records Retrieval Services

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Process Serving

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Employment Law

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Interested in Our Other Services?

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As Seen On

As Seen On


Experience Matters

More than 50 years combined experience protecting the rights of employees

We Are Aggressive

As experienced Trial Attorneys we are not afraid to take anyone on to protect your rights and to get you the best outcome possible

Top Rated Law Firm

The quality of our work has been recognized by trusted authorities such as Super Lawyers, AVVO


Experience Matters

More than 50 years combined experience protecting the rights of employees

We Are Aggressive

As experienced Trial Attorneys we are not afraid to take anyone on to protect your rights and to get you the best outcome possible

Top Rated Law Firm

The quality of our work has been recognized by trusted authorities such as Super Lawyers, AVVO and ASLA


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Top Rated

Law Firm

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Understanding Asset Investigations

There are a variety of reasons why a law firm, an insurance company,

or an individual litigant may need to determine the assets of an

individual or a business.

we have addressed some of the most common topics below.

What is an Asset Investigation and an Asset Investigator?

Why Do I Need to Conduct an Asset Investigation?

What Assets Can You Find in an Asset Investigation?

Can You Find All of Someone’s Assets?

What clients say About Us

I have to say that if there were ten stars to give we would give them easily. Diefer group is absolutely great at all they do. Special regards to Abel Fernandez. The support provided whenever we needed it was always top quality. He is an absolute professional and his experience and knowledge are outstanding.

His diligence in explaining every step and process was so reassuring during the legal situation our family went through. We the Gomez family recommend the Diefer group and Abel whole heartedly. Thank you team!!!


Leticia Gomez

I know Lawyers get a bad rap! No one likes them till you need them! Abel & Marcelo will restore your faith in lawyers!! I am grateful for their professionalism and honesty!!! Highly recommend Diefer Law!!


Dee Gomez

Frequently Asked Question

What if my employer retaliates against me for hiring an attorney?

Due to the very fact that you retain a competent law firm, your employer is far less likely to retaliate against you, as they know it’s illegal and that you’re well protected.

But in case they do retaliate against you, we have an entire civil litigation department specialized in suing employers who retaliate against their employers.

Again, this is highly illegal and unlikely to happen, however, if it does happen, we’ll have an even better case against them.

How much do you charge? I don't have a lot of money.

We won’t charge you anything in advance. We’ll only deduct an honorarium if, and when, we’re successful, as far as you've got a case that we typically hande, such as:

- Worker's compensation

- Sexual harassement at the workplace

- Discrimination, etc

Book your free initial consultation now and we’ll be more than happy to provide more details about how exactly that works, as well as answer any other question you might have

How are you different from other firms?

1. We take very good personal care of each one of our clients, including an open door policy, so that if you ever want to speak with the attorney that’s managing your case. You’ll be able to make an appointment and speak with them, typically within 24 business hours, either via phone or in person at our office.

2. Unlike other firms who handle car accidents, state planning and other completely unrelated law areas, we specialize exclusively in protecting workers’ rights. And thank to such a narrow focus, we've became highly skilled at handling these types of cases.

3. In the event of you being retaliated against, we’re able to directly represent you, rather than reaching out to external professionals like most of the “generic” firms do.


If I got injured at work, can't I just file a Workers' Comp claim myself? Why do I need you?

Unfortunately, the workers compensation plan is absurdly complex. We believe that it's made deliberately so to frustrate workers and get them to settle early for far too little money.We know the ins and outs of the system.

We've been doing this for many years, and we know exactly the types of games that insurance companies play, so we’re able to fight them back. We may even be able to help you if your worker’s compensation claim has been denied.

We can help you have the medical treatment that you need, which you may not be able to get yourself. We know exactly how settlements are calculated, and will ensure that you get the maximum possible settlement.And we may be able to help you get the benefits that you deserve faster than you're able to get by yourself.

What client say about us

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Barone LLC.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Leatrice Handler

Acme Co.

Have a question?

You can reach out to us at (888) 301-7795.

To talk about your case, book a consult below:

©2022 – Diefer Law Group| All Rights Reserved

Have a question?

You can reach out to us at

(888) 301-7795.

To talk about your case,

book a consult below:

©2022 – Diefer Law Group| All Rights Reserved